May 27, 2013

Hunger Strike and 6 Corrupted Parliamentarians

Today is the 8th day of hunger strike in Kabul. Yesterday and the before, different student groups  announced their support from this newly civil movement by commencing hunger strike in other provinces of the country like Bamian, Daikundi, Herat and Balkh. So far, the health condition of a dozen of students reported deteriorating, being hospitalized.

One of the, ridiculously interesting, characteristics of Afghans is that if somebody did something, other would do the same without any logical contemplation behind his/her action. Now too many Afghans are joined or joining hunger strike while central government has started distributing election cards for citizens.

From one hand my Facebook wall and the walls of most of friends of mine is scribbled away by photos and pieces of writing depicting the hunger strike and what is going on second after the second. From the other hand, a dozen of days ago, Minister of Finance addressed six parliamentarians from different provinces as corrupted high rankings. However, this call turned to a controversial topic for a few days.

Now, I am writing this demonstrating that we shall not chase only one specific social or political issue while parliamentarians are still freely walking on the streets teasing Afghan citizens in their hearts. When we face to an issue, we should not turn our back to another issue – that might be more important than the other one.

I believe that this is a well-organized short term plan from parliament and even central government aiming at draw public and media attention from corruption to civil movements.