Jan 11, 2012

Snow in Kabul

Kabul winter
Kabul Winter
It is really cold out their. All the  mountains and hills were covered with full snow. And it was really I mean extremely cold. It is still cold but the snow is all melted now. Because of the sun. Although I love snow but one thing hate and don't like about it is in Kabul it is the best that it should not snow. Because there is different things that is problem in Kabul with snow. I will tell you:
1/ There is going to a lot of mud in Kabul streets
2/ For poor people there is not going to be enough wood to burn to get warm
3/ Mud houses  are going to collapse due to too much snow
4/ Flood!
See there will be a lot of trouble for most of the people. But again nothing can beat up snow beauty. It is really beautiful and amazing. People tell stories about snow in the past that was in Kabul. Most of them say that decades ago their was a lot of snow and rain in winter season. They say that it was reaching like half a meter in a way. To say this technically I don't know what is the reason for this? Because they say amount of snow have changed from the past till yet. It may be Global Warming. It might be because of Climate Change.
All in all I always want the Kabul city to be white. With snow. For some people snow might bring them depression and sadness kind of...But for some people it is awesome and beautiful.